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Rachel Reeves announces planning reforms in first speech as Chancellor

In her inaugural address as Chancellor, Rachel Reeves laid out a transformative agenda for the UK's planning system, positioning it at the heart of Labour's strategy to reignite economic growth and development. If materialised, this will mark a significant shift from previous approaches, signalling a commitment to streamlined processes and increased efficiency.

Overhauling the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Reeves announced a major revision of the NPPF to foster a growth-oriented planning environment. Key changes include the reinstatement of mandatory housing targets and the lifting of the ban on new onshore wind projects in England. "Today, we are ending the absurd ban on new onshore wind in England and consulting on a new growth-focused approach to the planning system," she declared, aiming to centralise decision-making for large-scale developments to expedite approvals and reduce bureaucratic delays.

Prioritising Energy Projects

The Labour government will prioritise energy projects within the planning framework to ensure rapid progress. "We will give priority to energy projects to ensure they make swift progress," Reeves stated, underscoring the urgency of transitioning to sustainable energy sources and reducing the country's carbon footprint.

Task Force for Stalled Housing Projects

A new task force will target stalled housing developments, starting with key sites like Liverpool Central Docks and Langley in Sutton Coldfield. This initiative is expected to unlock over 14,000 homes, addressing the acute housing shortage. "We are creating a new task force to accelerate stalled housing sites across the country," Reeves announced, demonstrating Labour's commitment to tackling the housing crisis head-on.

Supporting Local Authorities

To manage the increased workload and complexity of the reformed planning system, an additional 300 planning officers will be deployed across local authorities. "We are supporting local authorities with 300 additional planning officers to ensure they can handle the increased demand," Reeves confirmed, ensuring that local governments are equipped to implement these changes effectively.

Ministerial Oversight and Intervention

The Deputy Prime Minister will have enhanced powers to intervene in planning applications with significant regional or national economic benefits. "The Deputy Prime Minister will not hesitate to review applications where the potential gain for the regional and national economies warrants it," Reeves asserted, highlighting a proactive stance on unlocking critical developments.

Local Plan Updates and Green Belt Reviews

Local authorities will be mandated to update local plans and review green belt boundaries to prioritise development on brownfield and grey belt land. This strategy aims to meet housing targets while preserving the integrity of green spaces. "Our golden rules will ensure that development prioritises brownfield and grey belt land, delivering thousands of affordable homes," Reeves explained.

Rubix Comment: Implications for the Planning System

Reeves's reforms aim to transform the UK's planning landscape, addressing inefficiencies that have historically hindered development. By centralising key decisions, prioritising essential projects, and bolstering local authority capabilities, these changes aim to create a more dynamic and responsive planning system.

Acknowledging potential challenges and opposition, Reeves emphasised the necessity of these reforms for national growth and prosperity. "We will not succumb to a status quo which responds to the existence of trade-offs by always saying no," she stated, reinforcing Labour's commitment to making the tough decisions needed to drive economic progress.

Rachel Reeves's first speech as Chancellor sets a clear and decisive path for planning reform, highlighting Labour's determination to rejuvenate the economy and improve living standards through strategic, growth-oriented policies. The messages from the new government in their first week of power are clear: there is no time to waste, and this government is ready to deliver on its promise to build a better future for all.

Rubix Planning are Chartered RTPI planners. We maintain strict policital impartiality. The views expressed are neutral and do not necessarily reflect personal opinions or official positions.


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